Thursday, May 17, 2012

Our Home

So, we've had a little bit of car drama this week. We had another keys-locked-in-the-car incident, and some transportation issues this week, but that's all behind us. Since I didn't get to campus yesterday, I spent the day rearranging our living room, with some success. I felt like our living room was a little cramped, so I got rid of a bookshelf that was broken and moved a couple of things around, and I quite like it. I thought this would be a good opportunity to put up some pictures of our apartment. It's a little retro, but I love it-it's our home. I didn't take pictures of our bathroom or kitchen yet, but I will. They happen to be the most retro parts of our apartment. Our sinks are a 1970's green (olive-y?), and our counters are white with flecks of the same green. It's kind of cute! So, here are some pictures.

The first picture is of a really cute onesie that I bought at Meijer because it was $5 and Nick wants our kids to be athletic. Wouldn't it be so cute if we had a Super Bowl baby? dang cute.

The rest of the pictures are: our bedroom (notice the shoe rack that Nick made for me! And also that we have a lot of clothes...I have a lot of clothes), some puzzle pictures from Nana that are hanging in our second bedroom/home office, our desk and computer set-up in the second bedroom, and our bookshelves (also in the second bedroom), and lastly, our living room. The other pictures of our living room were too dark, so this is the only one you get. We've got some lovely pictures (courtesy of Jann), and some other pretty decorations and whatnot. What you can't see in the picture is our two comfy easy chairs, our tv, and our other wall with pretty pictures on it. Maybe when I take pictures of our kitchen and bathroom, I can take more of the living room.

 That's all for now, folks!


  1. I like your apartment although I don't think you have NEARLY enough shoes!

  2. Hahahahah! You have too many clothes.
